Friday, 18 March 2011

Somali Pirates At It Again - Indonesian Vessel The Latest Victim!

EU naval anti piracy mission has released a statement that a large group of Somali pirates attacked and captured an Indonesian vessel on Wednesday the 16th.

It is understood that the crews of the unfortunate vessel, SINAR KUDUS (which means HOLY LIGHT in English) managed to send a report saying that between 30 and 50 pirates had taken over vessel.

Greed got the better of the pirates again when they managed to transform the captured vessel as their attacking platform when they attacked another ship, the EMPEROR, on Thursday. This second attack somehow was foiled by the EMPEROR's crew. (AFP Report).

Indonesian Reactions

Indonesian Ministry of Defence meanwhile are assessing the situation and didn't rule out the use of military powers. However, it is understood that no Indonesian naval vessel is in that area at this moment to provide that vital instant reaction.


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